Laysan Albatross Couple

Laysan Albatross Couple oil painting.

Laysan albatross are facing numerous problems. Juveniles start practicing their intricate mating rituals at age 3 then after several years form a lifelong mating pair. The female only produces 1 egg every 1 to 2 years. Caring for the egg and young chick is difficult and they may take several years to have a successful fledgling. Breeding grounds are being destroyed by climate change and rising sea levels. Pollution is a problem as they accidentally eat plastic debris. Permanent feelings of fullness then leaves to starvation. Artwork is 16×12 inch oil on Gessobord, currently framed.

Prints available.

This painting was done as part of the Artists and Biologists United for Nature (ABUN) ongoing series of conservation projects. Reference supplied by ABUN.

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Dimensions 25 × 20 × 2 in
